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Información de la Tesis Doctoral

Analysis of oligopolistic electricity markets with network constraints

Cristian Andrés Díaz Durán

Dirigida por F.A. Campos, J. Villar

Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid (España)

24 de septiembre de 2013

This thesis proposes a new and practical approach, computationally feasible, for the endogenous computation of the generators’ strategies, considering the effect of the capacity network constraints, but neglecting losses and lines voltages drops (DC approximation). This approach is specially suited for the study and analysis of the generators’ behavior in the medium and long-term against significant changes in the operation and structure of the electricity system, such as the inputs, outputs or fusions of generators, changes in the fuel cost or the reinforcement of the transmission networks. It should be emphasized that the presented approach does not pretend to provide accurate prices, productions, or the future generators’ strategies forecasts. This approach is intended to provide quantitative signals to understand how the prices, productions and generators’ strategies could evolve when faced against relevant changes in the system structure, as those previously enumerated.

C.A. Díaz (2013), Analysis of oligopolistic electricity markets with network constraints. Madrid (España).

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